Is It Important to Exercise Your Dog?

If you have a healthy body, you have a healthy mind. And this applies to animals as well. Your puppy will also enjoy doing exercise on a regular basis. As a matter of fact, exercise is good for dogs as well no matter if it is an old or young dog. All you have to do is choose an exercise plan that will be ideal for your pet and its fitness level. Let's know more about how important it is to exercise your dog.

Health and behavioral issues

If your dog doesn't get enough exercise, it may develop health and behavioral issues. For instance, it may gain too much weight or get diseases, such as arthritis. Apart from this, lack of exercise may result in frustration and boredom. Your pet may make an attempt to express these problems through odd behavior like aggression. It may do too much of barking, escaping or digging.

If you don't let your dog exercise, it may not be able to burn excess energy. As a result, it may become aggressive. Apart from this, boredom may cause your dog to chew whatever he finds in your house.

Regular exercise

If you want to make sure your dog leads a life full of happiness, take it out for exercise on a regular basis. It helps a lot to take your dog out for walks every morning. It will benefit your dog as well as you.

Most of dogs have a great time walking outdoors and do some exploring. It's a good idea to walk it 2-3 miles per day. You may want to increase the walk distance gradually based on the fitness level of your dog. As a matter of fact, walking will enable your pet to adapt to new situations and get more socialized.

Types of exercises

If you are active, you and your dog can go out and jog together. Even if you are cycling, your dog can jog along. However, make sure you do this only if your pet is physically fit. It may not be able to do vigorous exercise.

Another great exercise is swimming that you can do with your pet dog. After a bit of practice, most dogs love swimming. Since dogs have this natural ability to swim, they will learn faster. But if you are worried that your dog can get hurt while swimming, you can buy it a special life jacket.


Almost all dogs love the game of fetch. As a matter of fact, this is a great game of exercising your dog. Your dog will love to chase a ball, stick or Frisbee. Aside from this game, tug of war is also a great activity that your dog will enjoy getting involved in. for instance, you can use a rope, old towel or chew toy for playing this game with your pet.

So, these are a few things that can help you understand how important it is for you to take your dog out for daily exercise. You can follow the tips given in this article to help your dog get the exercise it needs on a regular basis.
