Product Recommendations for Dog Care

The first product I am going to recommend is the shock collar I have for my dog. Yes, shock collars are a very diverse topic and not everyone likes them. So, if you like shock collars or want to learn about one then you should read this.

Garmin Delta XC
This collar is very unique. There are different settings on the collar. As you can see there are three buttons in the front. The middle button is the shock button. This is very critical to understand this button. You never want to put the shock level higher than your dog can handle. My dog doesn't get shocked above a 6. The top button is a tone. This is a warning tone. It warns the dog to stop whatever behavior it is doing before a shock is initiated. The bottom button is a manual stimulation. This button is basically a vibration so you can just vibrate your dog instead of shocking them.

Another feature I love about this item is that there is a bark feature. This bark feature is designed to train your dog to not obsessively bark. It helps to control it while you are away from home as well.

This collar can program up to 3 collars at a time so you can put up to 3 dogs on the remote and switch between each dog. The collar is waterproof as well which is a very unique feature allowing you to have control over your dog even while they may be out swimming in a lake.

The collar gives up to a mile range. This allows your dog to get up to a mile away from you and you are still able to correct their behavior. The prongs come in short and long. The long are for dogs who have longer hair and the short prongs are for dogs with short hair.

Slow Feeder
This product is highly recommended by me! I also think my dog would recommend this as well. What a slow feeder is is a bowl that has kind of a puzzle inside of the bowl where the food falls down in the bowl between the raised pieces. These raised pieces make it harder for the dogs to get food. I know this sounds mean, but if you have a dog who scarfs down their food so fast such as how my dog did it helps them to not choke, learn how to eat properly, and to slow down eating.

I used this product for my dog because he was eating way too fast, throwing up his food, and choking on his food. Below in the picture you will see the orange bowl that I used for Oscar. We used this bowl for him for a couple of months and he slowed down his eating and was able to go back to eating out of a normal bowl. This helped him tremendously.


Another product that I highly recommend for a dog is a Chuck-it! Playtime for a dog is crucial to helping them wear off some energy and to their being physically fit. One of Oscar's favorite toys is his Chuck-it.

These Chuck-it's are very unique. If you are like myself I cannot throw a ball to save my life. This Chuck-it is designed to help you throw the ball really far. This gives your dog a chance to run around outside and get some exercise. If I did not have this Chuck-it I really do not think that I would be able to play fetch with Oscar. You can buy them in small, medium, and large for all size dogs. I have the medium for my dog. The medium chuck-it takes a regular sized tennis ball to fit into handle.
