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Lot of dog owners are not aware of water toxicity or water hazards. It is definitely a great fun taking your dog to pools, rivers, lakes and the coast to cool off. This allows you to have a wonderful water frolicking time and take home wonderful memories. But, don't turn these beautiful moments into something dreadful by ignoring the basic safety tips.
Get going with your dog to the wonderful world of water along with these safety tips to harness the most enjoyable moments.
Life Jackets
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Dogs love to swim, but any time long swimming is tiresome. Even if your dog is a good swimmer at some time he can get exhausted. Always follow this rule of putting your furry pal on life jacket whenever he is on the vessel at the sea. It is not just about the vessel, but it also applies true when it comes to river rafts, paddleboards, canoes and kayaks. On any of these things, a dog needs to be safeguarded from any unknown situations like swift water stream that may take along the dog hitting hazardous rocks, or wrangling in the waterweeds, or sometimes, they may grow to be tired when staying out on the water all day.
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Usually warm, shallow water is full of blue-green algae. Though it may present throughout the year, at times they are in full bloom, which may act as a danger for a dog in the water. Mostly, algae blooms in the late summer or early fall, but they can occur too earlier as well, particularly when the weather is usually dry and little more warm. Moreover, toxic algae can be blue, green, brown, or red.
These algae can affect the dog when they take in these weeds by mistake. The signs of toxicity start with lethargy, and then leading to vomiting and diarrhea. In the extreme cases, your dog may suffer from excess salivation, pale gums and skin irritation to severe respiratory issues or neurological disorders. For treating this condition, your vet may recommend fluids intake to control dehydration, valium to control seizures and counteract the poison.
In spite of undergoing such a trouble for your dog, prevention is the best option. It is always good to keep your dog away from the stagnant water during the warmer months.
How to detect algae is a stagnant water, which may be dangerous for your pooch?
· The water is not flowing and looks muddy.
· It is still and seems like green paint or pea soup, or a cloudy green, blue or yellow-green hue.
· It smells dirty, swampy or musty.
· You can see green plants floating on the surface of the water, or looks like foam, scum or mats on top of the water.
In case you found out that your pet is licking something from his coat or foot, it is better to wash him off thoroughly with warm clean water as soon as possible. You can even put some antiseptic water solution in the cleaning water. If you find some issues with your dog's health, immediately take him to a vet.
You dog would definitely like to enjoy in water but as a care taker, it always on you to protect your furry pal in all the circumstances never letting that fun to drain down with the water.
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